All I can say is that while I had initial (major) issues with SC 7.2.1
on Ubuntu 8.10, persisting and re-installing solved them. In the end I
went for a clean 8.10 re-install with all the lessons I had learned:
install, then let all the updates (plenty of them already) install
themselves, then go install additional libraries, then more updates,
*then* do the sources update for SC and install SC 7.2.1 as instructed.
After a restart or two, it all worked smoothly. With some editing of the
conf list (I think something changed there, too, it required more edits
than the last time because the mov entries were spinkled though it) I
then was able to play the remaining non-DRM iTunes files too.


Server: 3.3 GHz Intel E8600 Core 2 Duo (8GB) - Vista Ultimate 64 &
Ubuntu 8.10 64
Sources: SB3 (4), SB Boom (2), Duet, Accuphase DP65v CD
Amplifier: Accuphase E306v
Loudspeakers: Ceeroy 3-way tuned by Darmstadt Psychoacoustics Lab
Headphones: Grado SR-1
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