I want to get a low energy server to run squeezebox server 24/7. Having
read these forums and elsewhere I have decided to go for a low power
mini PC (instead of a NAS) running headless in a cupboard next to my
router. Apart from running SC and holding my music, I may back up a few
files to it, but that is all.

I seem to be homing in on either the FitPC or the Tranquil T3N,
possibly favoring the latter because it can be ordered with a 1TB

My dilemma now is which OS to put on it. To date I have no experience
of anything other than Windows, but that seems a somewhat over the top
for the tasks required. I guess I do not mind learning something new so
Linux/Ubuntu would seem the obvious choice - as long as it is not too

How easy would it be for a total Linux/Ubuntu beginner to load up
Ubuntu and SC and start listning to music?. I am reasonably PC literate
in a Windows environment.

Also how easy is it to have an Ubuntu PC networked with a couple of
Windows PC's. Will they all "see" each other so that files can be easily
shared. Specifically :

1) I will be ripping and tagging on a Windows PC, would it then be
simple to copy the albums onto the Ubuntu/SC PC from the Windows PC?
2) Could I access the SC web interface from a windows PC on the
2) Can I run MP3TAG on a Windows PC that will load and update the tags
against the music sitting on the Ubuntu machine?

Any info much appreciated.

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