pablolie wrote:
>> Real men run Debian on their servers.
>> Looks tons like Ubuntu, but is more stable (i.e. changes more slowly).

> I have been checking out Debian and may make the plunge. My issue is
> that whatever I chose also doubles as my early morning web browser, so a
> decent GUI is a requirement, and Ubuntu makes it so easy (and happens to
> be based on Debian of course). But I have no religion there.

Ubuntu is more user friendly, but Debian has the same basic UI, all the
tools. Some stuff is a bit wierd, they don't call it "firefox" they call
it iceweasel for legal reasons. But all the important GUI stuff,
specifically Synaptic, is there.

Ubuntu adds drivers for more consumer stuff more quickly, like webcams,
etc. but my servers barely have a keyboard. I've got a 8 port KVM so the
one monitor, keyboard and mouse is shared.

> 7.5... isn't it 8.0 that supposedly will be required to support the
> SBTouch sometime this month? I guess I am a tad confused by all the
> parallel releases...

I can't keep up either. I'm beta testing 7.5 and a Touch. It all works.
I don't have any insight into what names or dates will happen.

Pat Farrell

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