Any version of Squeezeboxserver later than 7.3.* fails on scan with :

main::main (336) Error: Failed when running main scan:
[Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st execute failed:
Column 'contributor' cannot be null [for Statement "
REPLACE INTO contributor_track
(role, contributor, track)
(?, ?, ?)
" with ParamValues: 0=1, 1=undef, 2=undef] at
line 123

...or similar.

I can get around this by renaming & using 7.3 to scan but it
is still annoying!

I am running the Squeezeboxserver on an Iomega IX2 (BusyBox v1.8.2 -
linux kernel, with Perl 5.10.0 & MySQL 5.0.88. The
Squeezeboxserver version I am now using is the latest nightly 7.6
(32081), but I have tried all versions from 7.4.0 (i.e. the
introduction of audio::scan) & the result is the same - hence I am not
posting on the Beta forum. I have dropped & recreated the database, &
replaced most of the included CPAN modules - again it makes no
difference whether I use the latest DBIx & Class::C3 or the versions
identical to the included CPAN.

Before anyone suggests using SQLite the only dbd::sqlite version
available from the optware sources is 1.14 - too low - & it's the one
package I seem to be unable to cross compile for cs08q1armel! As for
why I should want a version higher than 7.3 the answer is that BBC
iPlayer doesn't seem to work before 7.4 (and I have to trick my
Squeezebox Touch into accepting server versions prior to 7.5 - not
difficult but not perfect)

hoping someone has an idea - sorry if I have left out any vital

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