
Ive reached a bit of a dead end and Im hoping someone here can point me
in the right direction please?

Im running 3 Booms and one Duet on Ubuntu 10.4, recently upgraded to v12
(with no chage to this error) using Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.2
- r33893 (recentlly upgraded from the previous veriosn again with no
change to the error). I am running only these plugins that are not
Logitech ones : autodimdisplay 2.1.10, music information screen 4.4.7,
powersave 7.4 and superdatetime screensaver 5.9.14. Ive added these back
in because their presence seems to make no difference, and I make use of
all of them. The hardware is a Dell Core2 Duo with 4Gb memory and 500G
hard drive (25% free space).

Periodically, that is up to 3 or 4 times a day on some days,  the server
consumes most of the available CPU, the web interfaces becomes
unresponsive, and the Booms report "cant connect". The logs at the time
dont tell me too much (see below). I cant find the event or
circumstances that cause this to happen, but have witnessed it in action
when Ive seem the CPU load shoot up while a Boom is playing internet
radio (its most common use by far), after which the boom then drops out
and usually reports "cant connect to server", although sometimes just
stops playing.

I have written a script that restarts the SB server when the web
interface becomes unresponsive, which temporarily fixes the issue, but I
need to find the root cause as of course this upsets the "users" whos
music goes off and requires manual intervention to recover it. The
attached log is from that script, which grabs the tail of the log as it
restarts the SB server.

Please note from the above I have effectively re-installed the SB
software as part of upgrading, but I also lost a hard disk recently and
have rebuilt the entire system from Ubuntu installation disk and home
folder backups (hence the upgrade to Ubuntu 12, thought I may as well
since I had to rebuild) and have had this situation both BEFORE and
AFTER upgrades. If anything the problem is possibly more frequent after
the upgrade to Ubuntu 12, but that's very subjective as it may equally
depend on what the Booms are doing at the time (more likely Id say,
since the problem occurs in Ubuntu 10 and 12 and across two different
versions of SB server). It is possible that this error only happens when
a Boom is in use, again a bit subjective but I dont recall it performing
an SB restart when something wasnt playing (I know if it executes as it
emails me). 

Aside from that, Im at a loss to further track this one down.

While no genius, i can write and deploy scripts, and if needed execute a
debug script at the time of failure, which I detect by doing a wget of
the SB player web page, correctly deducing it is consuming vast amounts
of CPU if the wget times out. 

3 logs from time of failure attached.


|Filename: SB logs-1.txt                                            |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=13537|

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