Slates wrote: 
> Thankyou for that - such is the danger of randomly copying syntax from
> the web!
> Ive corrected fstab to read : 
> LABEL=Cyclopes15     /media/Cyclopes15   ntfs-3g  
> uid=1000,gid=1004,umask=022,dmask=022,fmask=022,auto,nobootwait,nofail,bootwait
> 0   0
> LABEL=Medusa65     /media/Medusa65       ntfs-3g  
> uid=1000,gid=1004,umask=022,dmask=022,fmask=022,auto,nobootwait,nofail,bootwait
> 0   0
> Which I believe to be correct according to your link. After remounting
> SB can now see the second drive (although this actually happened after I
> did a chmod -R on Medusa65, so I cant say that fstab made that change).
> However the mount points still suggest to me fstab isnt working as they
> look like this : 
> drwxrwxrwx 1 root  root  12288 Sep  8 16:15 Cyclopes15
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root      7 Jun 12 19:59 floppy -> floppy0
> drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root   4096 Jun 12 19:59 floppy0
> drwxr-xr-x 1 colic colic  8192 Sep  9 11:51 Medusa65
> In fstab uid 1000 is colic, and Medusa65 (the troublesome drive) is
> mounted as I would expect. Cyclopes15, as you can see, is mounted as
> root which I dont get. Its suggesting that ugo have FULL access, which
> isnt what fstab says.
> Why would they be different when fstab is identical for them, assuming
> ive got fstab right now? 
> While I could say "I can see the drive now, problem solved", it isnt as
> there are still permission issues for SB (and anyone else) accessing new
> files that I havent chmod'd. Its like fstab is being ignored, except I
> know it isnt totally ignored because the drives auto mount on boot (is
> that a vlaid assumption).
> Do you have any further wisdom to share ? :-)

when you created  the directory where you you want to mount the drive 
/media/Cyclopes15 is that folder realy named  /media/Cyclopes15 not 
/media/cyclopes15 Linux is case sensitive

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