Mnyb wrote: 
> when you created  the directory where you you want to mount the drive 
> /media/Cyclopes15 is that folder realy named  /media/Cyclopes15 not 
> /media/cyclopes15 Linux is case sensitive

You had me worried Id made a fools mistake for a moment! But the info
above is a screen scrape, so yes they are both Cyclopese15. 

But as I can access both drives (just not the way I expect), there would
be an additional mount point if Id typod it. The entries you see under
media are the sum total of what's in there .... not that you were to
know that, I could have typed it and inadvertently hidden an error.
Happily Im too lazy when theres copy and paste available :-)

Still, strange isnt it that they dont appear to do what they should, and
SB isnt happy about it either.

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