bpa wrote: 
> Yep there was a whole discussion on that.  The other forum is run by a
> cubie user and there is a worry about a split in community.
> I think Tom Cubie has been a bit overwhelmed by the demand so far as a
> few promised revs have not happened as planned and so 
> official feedback on hardware has been limited.

I saw that, but why struggle on with a very unwieldy system which can
only put people off - you have to wade through loads of posts in order
to find a relevant nugget of information.  There's another bunch of
Cubie posts on Google+ which seem unrelated to the original google - I
found somebody there who has developed a headless Debian image which I
hope to try.

Anyway, I'm OT here, so maybe see you over there sometime (with a
contribution the Cubie project :)  ???

Apologies to sbp & Gerrelt - great work, by the way!

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