Hi Guys,

my wandboard arrived today, yay! I followed the quick start guide and
everything worked well. I have some feedback on the instructions which
I'll write up and post in a bit. Unfortunately, I am now getting out of
my depth and I would appreciate a little help. I am interested in
getting the Squeezebox server up and running. I got so far but am now
confused. I need to mount my windows share so I can point the server at
it. I found these instructions
http://wiki.w7cf.net/access_windows_shares but am confused about the
format of the fstab entries. Is the mount point where I want it to
appear in the wandboard file structure? Are there any restrictions on
this or can I just place is at mnt/music or even just music? Secondly do
I just copy the options swapping out the username or do I need to know
what they mean?

Thanks in advance


p.s. I can right up a quick guide on getting the server up and running
if it's useful (when I have sorted it myself)

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