JohnSwenson wrote: 
> This RTC stuff  is interesting. On my system I just automatically  set
> up a reserved address in my router so it gets the same IP address all
> the time. Anything I'm going to be SSHing into or accessing a webgui on
> I just put in a reserved address for and I never worry about it again. 
> On the RTC itself, I forgot to look at this earlier. I know the
> non-battery backed up RTC in the Touch has caused quite a few problems
> so I was planning on adding one to the CSP devices.
> I presumed I could just add a battery to the carrier board, BUT it looks
> like I can't do that! The wandmodule has the battery input pin tied to
> the  analog supply pin, both driven by a regulator on the module. I
> don't know why they did this. According to the manual the battery input
> will automatically be fed from the analog input if  it  is powered up,
> when the analog input is not power up it automatically switches to the
> battery input pin. So all they would have to do is just connect the
> battery pin to the module pin and it should have wortked. But because
> they hardwired the  battery input to the analog input, I can't drive the
> RTC without driving the USB PHY, the PLLs, the eFUSE etc. (and it would
> back bias the voltage regulator which would probably fry it)
> So it looks like the only way to get a battery backed up RTC is to add a
> whole new one to the carrier. This is very easy to do from the hardware
> standpoint, but then a different RTC driver  would have to be used that
> used the new RTC and ignored the one built into the module. Im pretty
> sure there are some RTC drivers for the common RTC chips so it should
> not be a huge problem. 
> Of course this means it would not be available for those using a generic
> wandboard. Unfortunately there is no way to add a battery to that.
> John S.

I wouldn't add an RTC for dhcp usage...  There are plenty of devices
which support dhcp and they should either be used to allowing the
address to change or the server should be preconfigured to hand out a
static address.  If there are other reasons then lets discuss (not sure
I can think of any!)  DHCP is definately not a justification though.

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