aubuti wrote: 
> Here is one (of many) short tutorials:
> The Ubuntu
> website also has tons of information like this for new users.
> You could also set the file and folder permissions by opening a terminal
> window, then navigating to the music directory, and giving the following
> commands:
> find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
> find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
> The first command sets the folders to be readable/writable/executable by
> the owner (presumably your username), and readable/executable by anyone.
> The second command sets the files to be read/write by the owner, and
> readable by anyone.
> Be sure that you navigate to the music directory first!  And since
> you're new at this, be sure you have a backup!

Thank you so much for all your help, it's really unsettling being a newb
all over again!
When you say navigate to the music directory, what does that mean, and
how do i do it?

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