I've been able to narrow down the problem of no sound/distorted sound
after a paused playlist is left overnight.
Here is how I can reproduce;
- Start playing a spotify playlist (using Triode's plugin).
- Pause the song
- Leave everything for approx 8 hours (leaving all squeezelite clients
running and powered on).
- Attempt to unpause the playlist
- No sound out of squeezelite for about 5-10 seconds after unpausing,
then followed by whitenoise.
- If the squeezelite clients are powered off/on around 3 times then
audio commences as it should after playlist started again.

Below shows what I think are the important sections from a all=debug
21:33:52: SqueezeLite instance starts up
22:03:30: Spotify playlist started
22:03:42: Squeezelite playlist paused
07:58:33 (following day): Squeezelite playlist unpaused (about 5 secs of
silense followed by white noise etc)

Interestingly to me is that after an unpause the output buffer is
immediately flushed (07:58:33).

Could squeezelite perhaps be changed to unload alsa after a period of
inactivity (say 2 hours), and then to load it again when requested -
even if this added a few seconds to the start up, it would be preferable
to the kids screaming of whitenoise at top volume in the lounge ;-)

If I pause the playlist, then instead of leaving the squeezelite clients
powered on, I power them off (through squeeze commander), then the
following morning, I power them back on (again through squeeze
commander), and then resume, everything works perfectly.

I've checked the power_save mode on the sound card module and it's
disabled along with all other powersavings inside the Debian Wheezy VM
under VMware workstaion under Windows 7, so I don't believe the issue is
power saving related.
Any ideas?

Thanks again - the combination of Triode's squeezelite+Spotify plugin is
an unbeatable combination!

[21:33:52.127870] stream_init:264 init stream
[21:33:52.128190] stream_init:265 streambuf size: 2097152
[21:33:52.130481] output_init:1305 init output
[21:33:52.130501] output_init:1308 outputbuf size: 3528000
[21:33:52.130542] output_init:1340 requested buffer_time: 20000
period_count: 4 format: any mmap: 1
[21:33:52.138428] output_init:1366 output: sysdefault maxrate: 384000
[21:33:52.138494] output_init:1374 unable to lock memory: Cannot
allocate memory
[21:33:52.141184] output_init:1397 unable to set output sched fifo:
Operation not permitted
[21:33:52.141205] decode_init:101 init decode
[21:33:52.141326] load_faad:557 loaded libfaad.so.2
[21:33:52.141768] load_vorbis:234 loaded libvorbisidec.so.1
[21:33:52.141957] load_flac:196 loaded libFLAC.so.8
[21:33:52.141971] register_pcm:191 using pcm
[21:33:52.142047] load_mad:292 loaded libmad.so.0
[21:33:52.142165] slimproto:683 connecting to
[21:33:52.142411] output_thread:583 open output device: sysdefault
[21:33:52.142822] slimproto:705 connected
[21:33:52.142836] sendHELO:109 mac: 00:0c:29:e9:46:6a
[21:33:52.142842] sendHELO:111 cap:
[21:33:52.142933] sendSETDName:210 set playername: Lounge
[21:33:52.147913] alsa_open:269 opened device sysdefault using format:
S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1
[21:33:52.147964] alsa_open:317 buffer time: 85328 period count: 4
buffer size: 3763 period size: 940
[21:33:52.149743] process:411 unhandled setd
[21:33:52.149765] process:411 unhandled setd
[21:33:52.149777] process:407 aude
[21:33:52.149782] process_aude:338 enable spdif: 1 dac: 1
[21:33:52.149792] process:407 audg
[21:33:52.149797] process_audg:355 audg gainL: 0 gainR: 0 adjust: 1
[21:33:52.527513] process:407 strm
[22:03:26.479212] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMt
[22:03:30.508068] process:407 strm
[22:03:30.508127] process_strm:219 strm command q
[22:03:30.508141] output_flush:1411 flush output buffer
[22:03:30.508166] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMf
[22:03:30.513666] process:407 audg
[22:03:30.513705] process_audg:355 audg gainL: 65536 gainR: 65536
adjust: 1
[22:03:30.514455] process:407 strm
[22:03:30.514479] process_strm:219 strm command s
[22:03:30.514491] process_strm:284 strm s autostart: 2 transition
period: 0 transition type: 2
[22:03:30.514505] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMf
[22:03:30.514679] codec_open:150 codec open: 'p'
[22:03:30.514705] pcm_open:172 pcm size: 2 rate: 44100 chan: 2
bigendian: 0
[22:03:30.514787] stream_sock:352 connecting to
[22:03:30.519084] stream_sock:381 header: GET

[22:03:30.519114] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMc
[22:03:30.519132] process_strm:307 set fade mode: 2
[22:03:30.519157] process:407 audg
[22:03:30.519168] process_audg:355 audg gainL: 65536 gainR: 65536
adjust: 1
[22:03:30.640173] process:407 strm
[22:03:30.640222] process_strm:219 strm command t
[22:03:30.640239] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMt
[22:03:30.949903] process:407 strm
[22:03:42.404333] process_strm:219 strm command p
[22:03:42.404342] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMp
[22:03:42.404351] process_strm:248 pause interval: 0
[22:03:42.404364] process:407 audg
[22:03:42.404370] process_audg:355 audg gainL: 0 gainR: 0 adjust: 1
[22:03:43.406034] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMt
[22:03:44.408113] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMt
[07:58:28.597309] process_strm:219 strm command t
[07:58:28.597319] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMt
[07:58:33.596904] process:407 strm
[07:58:33.596944] process_strm:219 strm command t
[07:58:33.596953] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMt
[07:58:33.889565] process:407 strm
[07:58:33.889606] process_strm:219 strm command q
[07:58:33.889616] output_flush:1411 flush output buffer
[07:58:33.889633] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMf
[07:58:33.895044] process:407 audg
[07:58:33.895069] process_audg:355 audg gainL: 44032 gainR: 44032
adjust: 1
[07:58:33.895914] process:407 strm
[07:58:33.895940] process_strm:219 strm command s
[07:58:33.895949] process_strm:284 strm s autostart: 2 transition
period: 0 transition type: 2
[07:58:33.895960] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMf
[07:58:33.895978] codec_open:150 codec open: 'p'
[07:58:33.895989] pcm_open:172 pcm size: 2 rate: 44100 chan: 2
bigendian: 0
[07:58:33.896022] stream_sock:352 connecting to
[07:58:33.897050] stream_sock:381 header: GET

[07:58:33.897076] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMc
[07:58:33.897089] process_strm:307 set fade mode: 2
[07:58:33.897107] process:407 audg
[07:58:33.897115] process_audg:355 audg gainL: 44032 gainR: 44032
adjust: 1
[07:58:34.028119] process:407 strm
[07:58:34.028162] process_strm:219 strm command t
[07:58:34.028171] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMt
[07:58:34.337950] process:407 strm
[07:58:34.337982] process_strm:219 strm command t
[07:58:34.337991] sendSTAT:151 STAT: STMt
[07:58:34.648634] process:407 strm
[07:58:34.648679] process_strm:219 strm command t

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=97046

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