paul- wrote: 
> With the UCA202, use the device that starts with   "front:"  (I'm not at
> home to pull the exact code)   hw:doesn't work on mine either.   Must be
> some different versions floating around.


Nope, that doesn't fix it either.

To be honest you do need to be listening carefully to hear the clicks.
They are well-spaced out, seemingly random and quite low level. So, for
example, they could be confused with the picking of a guitar.

But then I'm a perfectionist! If you were to run the UCA202 into an amp
(rather than the headphones I'm using) I suspect that the clicks would
vanish into the general background noise of household activity.

Incidentally, out of pure curiosity, I fed the *optical* out from the
UCA202 into the Fiio E17 to see whether the noise was appearing on the
TOSlink output and, sure enough, it was. This suggests the noise (or
whatever it is) is getting in on the digital side of the UCA202, rather
than the analogue. Also interesting is that with a track paused I still
get very very occcasional pops - like one perhaps every minute but it's
not regular. So I'm pretty-well convinced this has nothing to do with
buffering and everything to do with poor UCA202 noise isolation of the
USB lines. Hell, it's only a £27 DAC! :D

In contrast the E17 is a much better product - but also a lot more
expensive. For a start there's absolutely no audible noise at all from
the headphone output at high volumes. The same can't be said for the
UCA202 which is very hissy.


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