Pascal Hibon wrote: 
> Yes, it requires you to solder some resistors on the processor board.
> The boot device is hardwired. 
> Nevertheless, I think I'm going to give it a go. Would be nice I the SD
> card is no longer required.
> I'll post the results when I decide to take the jump. 

Good luck - having to deal with (de)soldering the tiny SM resistors
scares me a little.  I can appreciate wanting to remove the SD
altogether though.  I look forward to reading your experiences.  

> I used a small SSD drive (120 Gb Samsung EVO) because CSOS doesn't use a
> lot of space and the smaller SSD's are usually less expensive.
> The write speed of that SSD is not that spectacular. A 500 Gb Samsung
> EVO is twice as fast but costs more than three times more. 
> So there is a compromise to be made. That's why the 120 Gb would still
> be my choice. The read performance is 10x faster than the SD card and
> that is e pretty important factor too.

Yeah, cost of the big fast drives is still very expensive.  For that
reason I'm using a 64Gb OCZ in my workstation just as system /
application drive (which is just big enough) with data stored separately
on spinning drives. To replace all my data storage would cost me a
fortune :(

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