Hi guys, as I said I would, I've just been having a closer look at the
'storage' pages in the two web GUIs, using them to (temporarily) mount a
EXT3 partitioned USB drive that I use for backup purposes.  I think I am
up to date with the GUI versions.  And please note I already have four
USB drives connected through fstab.  The extra drive/partition appears
at /dev/sde1/ 

First I tried Triodes page, and it was very easy to mount the drive -
although I couldn't mount it to the folder I'd normally use for this
drive (no real problem), but use /mnt/disk1/.  
I did some quick file transfers to test it was working OK, but hit a
problem when I tried to 'remove' the drive - it would not unmount.
I checked that the drive was not in use - both 'lsof' and 'fuser' for
the partition gave no response for the partition.
Refreshed the web GUI and it still showed the drive as mounted and
further clicking 'remove' did nothing.
Resorted to unmounting the drive using bash and that worked fine.  But
the GUI still showed the drive as mounted.... 

Next I tried JackOfAlls version which is more comprehensive and it took
me a little while to work out what was what (nothing unusual about that
First thing I notice is that only three partitions are shown in the
'System Mounted File Systems' section as mounted - is this a limit for
the GUI or is it not detecting all the mounted partitions correctly?
Looking at the 'User Controlled File Systems' section I see in place
entries for /dev/sde1 and /mnt/disk1 - and I was able to select 'mount'
from the action list which appeared to work fine.
Tested transferring files again and then went back to the GUI and chose
action 'unmount' which this time worked fine and the drive was
successfully removed. 
Tried again, this time using the 'Mount Local File System' and again
this appears to work fine for mounting. 

Following this I went and had a look at the /etc/fstab file and notice
the following:

  # start added by squeeze-web-gui-lua
  /dev/sde1       /mnt/disk1      ext3    defaults        0       0
  # end added by squeeze-web-gui-lua

I'd have expected this line to be commented out.  This could well cause
issues next time I boot up without the drive connected (specially as
there is not a 'nofail' attribute set).  So I've manually removed this. 
I presume this is related to Triodes GUI issue of not dismounting the

So in short - Triodes GUI is not dismounting the drive and is leaving
entry active in fstab - and JackOfAlls GUI is not showing all the
mounted partitions but otherwise seems to work OK. 

For the purpose I think Triodes GUI is the way to go for the majority of
users once the problem(s) get fixed - its much more straightforward and
provides what most users are going to need.  But also, for me
personally, I like Clives as it has more of the functionality I'd
actually use, such as mounting a drive temporarily.  I'd like to
continue having access to both GUIs, but then I don't see myself as a
typical user.

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