slackhead wrote: 
> No - there all mounted in folders under /storage/:
> > 
  >   > 
  > /dev/sdc1 on /storage/Films type fuseblk 
  > /dev/sdb1 on /storage/Data type fuseblk 
  > /dev/sda1 on /storage/store type ext3 
  > /dev/sdd2 on /storage/Music type fuseblk 
  > /dev/sde1 on /storage/Backup1 type ext3 
> > 

Then edit /etc/sysconfig/squeeze-web-gui and add your specific mount
points to the comma separated list of user controlled mount points
(STORAGE_DIRS=) and "sudo systemctl restart tomcat".

Actually, there's still going to be a problem in that fuseblk is going
to be ignored as a valid fs type. Do you have those mounts in fstab
using ntfs-3g as the fstype and mount is returning fuseblk rather than
ntfs-3g? If that's the case, I'll need to deal with that somehow.

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