Girth wrote: 
> After cron run /tmp/playercheck.log shows only
> > 
  >   > ============================================
  > Sun Mar  9 11:00:02 CDT 2014
  > There are 5 known players.
  > /usr/bin:/bin
> > 
> Thanks again, I really do appreciate your help
> Jesse

ok now i have another clue...

since the first nc runs fine and there is a output and another line is
executed well (echo patch) there must be some strange behavior in
squeezeplug to the used variables when running under crontab.

to check this out please add after
> playerID=$(printf "player id $i ?\nexit\n" | nc ${server} ${port} | cut
> -d ' ' -f 4 | sed 's/%/%%/g')
a line like > echo PlayerID is: $playerID
If the output is only PlayerID is: without the id it would proove thats
the "failure" if not - fell free to answer.

If the output is like that - please alter the script to its former glory
(copy direct from this thread) and do the following steps:

  sudo crontab -e
  "cut the line with the script" and replace by "nothing"
  crontab -e (without sudo) running as "user" - no # but a ~ in front
  add the prev cutted line from the roots crontab to "your" crontab.

I hope that will solve this behavior.



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