Been trying to install nightly builds (7.8) from 6 and 9 March on my
small server, recently upgraded from Suse 12.2 to 13.1 (actually a clean
install). I had all the same issues as recorded in the 12.2 thread
which I'd hoped to avoid from what I'd read in this thread. Even worse,
I had to tweak a few more version numbers, and - even after all that -
I'm still not able to run the server. It's now complaining that:

The following modules failed to load: DBI HTML::Parser

even though these were two of the items I had already installed from

I'm now getting a bit ticked off at the amount of time I'm having to
waste on this... what a pain! I'll think twice about buying anything
more advanced than a mouse from Logitech in future.

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