Getting Samba working on Archlinux is a little different to Debian with
which I am a little more familiar. This is how I got it going on
ArchLinux (SoA). 

I installed Samba using pacman -S samba because I did not see any
smb.conf file in /etc/samba. For whatever reason after the install there
was still no smb.conf there, so I copied an old version over from my USB
hard disk and modified it. This is the text of the working file:

workgroup = your_Windows_Workgroup_name
server string = Squeeze on Arch
local master = yes
domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 255
password server = None
guest ok = yes
#guest account = root
guest account = nobody
#security = SHARE
security = user
map to guest = Bad Password
netbios name = Wandboard

# These improve performance
large readwrite = yes

follow symlinks = yes
wide links = yes

# Fix for OSX
unix extensions = no

comment = Read/Write file share
path = /mnt
guest ok = yes
writeable = yes
create mask = 0777

I then edited the file /etc/hosts as follows
#<ip-address>   <>   <hostname>          localhost.localdomain       localhost Wandboard
::1                      localhost.localdomain       localhost

and the file /etc/hostname to show

systemctl enable smbd.service
systemctl enable nmbd.service
systemctl enable samba.service

systemctl start smbd.service
systemctl start nmbd.service
systemctl start samba.service


Squeezebox Classic:2;  Duet: 1;  Boom:1; Touch:1; Wandboard Quad;
Server: Wandboard Quad with CSOS; Raspberry Pi/Wolfson Card with
Squeezeplug 7.06; (backup:Win 8 Pro 64 bit, Sheevaplug with
Squeezeplug);  iPeng, iPeng for Ipad, Orange Squeeze, Squeezepad, LMS
Version: 7.8.0 latest nightly
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