bobertuk wrote: 
> Hi Rob,
> I've managed to sort out some errors with Brutefir and have managed to
> get it working up to a point...
> Getting 'can't open file' errors in LMS on each track, the following
> errors in brutefir.log and can't get brutefir to output sound through
> Wandboard. 
> > 
  >   > 
  > ======== brutefirwrapper rev 12 starting at 1408374608 2014-08-18 15:10:08
  > Traceback (most recent call last):
  > File "/opt/logitechmediaserver/Plugins/BrutefirDrc/Bin/brutefirwrapper", 
line 579, in <module>
  > main()
  > File "/opt/logitechmediaserver/Plugins/BrutefirDrc/Bin/brutefirwrapper", 
line 93, in main
  > header =
  > File "/usr/lib/python3.4/encodings/", line 26, in decode
  > return codecs.ascii_decode(input, self.errors)[0]
  > UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0x94 in position 4: 
ordinal not in range(128)
> > 
> Idea's anyone?
> Bob

First of all, many thanks to Triode for the great work, I really
I was using CSOS since a while, and wanted to try SOA as Substitute.

Getting to the reason I reply to Bobs post, I finally got brutefirDRC
working today, after a week of trying, I finally figured out what was
I was getting the same Errors as Bob.

I am using BrutefirDRC plugin V. 4.1beta  from sourceforge, installed
following the instructions from Klaas on 

I installed brutefir with "yaourt -S brutefir", to install also the
dependencies, like jack and the fft libraries. (I had to add the line
arch=('armv7h') to PCKBUILD), this installs V 1.0k
Then I have downloaded the source tarball of V 1.0m from the link on the
author's Homepage
I then built the binaries and put them in the usr/bin for the main
binary and usr/lib/brutefir for the modules.

I was almost giving up, when I noticed some python Errors when I tried
to run the wrapper script from command line.
I earlier installed python with "pacman -S python" which resulted in a
python Installation, on which the wrapper does not work.

It requires a 2.x python Version

I solved this, first removing the v 3 package, then installing Version
2.7 with "pacman -S python2", and finally I created a simlink “python”
to the executable “python2.7” in /usr/bin (I do not have other python
scripts in use, and did therefore not care to Keep V3 compatibility)

I also did not get the error logs at the beginning, so I changed line
561 of the "brutefirwrapper" script to set the log file Location I

"    reopen_stderr_as_log('/opt/logitechmediaserver/Logs/brutefir.log')

By the way, on my Installation the "INFO" type plugin log Messages
appear in the Journal, and not in a log file.

I would also like to give some feedback on the SOA installation and
share my experience with other add-ons I installed:
The install script worked great, although I had some trouble at the
beginning, with my DHCP Server taking too much time to assign an
address, which caused a timeout and the board was not accessible over
Ethernet, I solved this by editing /etc/netctl/eth0 and increasing the
timeout values to 150. (I edited with the terminal over the Serial

I updated everything, including custom kernel, and installed LMS 7.9.

Everything works fine, I can confirm that the optical Toslink Outputs 96
kbit with 24 bit Resolution with the custom kernel (native and upsampled
with SOX).

I also can confirm that reboot behavior is different on different
wandboards, I have two WB quad, one brand new and one approx.1 ½ years
old, the new one reboots as expected, the older requires a power cycle.

I then installed ShairTunes plugin (only Trouble, avahi daemon was not
running, thus the devices were not visible in Airplay, I enabled it with
systemctl) (I am not shure anymore if avahi package was present at

Then I installed waveinput plugin, this one works but I am still
struggling with alsa configuration, both usb soundcards (miniSTREAMER
and USBStreamer form Minidsp) I would like to use do not yet work.
miniSTREAMER does not allow for 24 bit Resolution capture (althoug it
should, but there seems to be a usb bandwidth Reservation issue I am not
able to fully understand), and with USBstreamer I did not yet figure out
how to Access the PCMs form the Toslink Input, located on channels 9 and
10 of the device, I will try to get further using jack, when I will have
time to get deeper into ist configuration.

I hope that my experience can help some other user.

Again many thanks for the awesome work you are doing, Kind regards


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