A command-line utility for controlling squeezebox network audio
players via their squeezeserver.


New commands for checking connection to players and alarms thanks to
Added new testing functionality in the shape of -if_XXXX with the action
-exit and cant be negated with -not

-alarms : enabled alarms count (can only sound if not generally
-alarms_enabled : alarms generally enabled?
-playlist_shuffle : shuffle control
-playlist_repeat : repeat control

-if_alarm : if alarms are disabled generally or no alarm is enabled
-if_connected : if this player is not connected
-if_playing : if this player is on and playing
-if_sleeping : is powered and on countdown to sleep

-exit : set up action for -if_XXXX to exit with specified code
-not : -if_XXXX can be prefixed with not

-time : can now take ? to query time.
-playing : How gives comprehensive information on the playing track
-title : now uses the title command
-current_title : uses the current title_command
: Deprecated in favour of new -if_XXX commands

UTF-8 Based player names
syncgroups display now displays more than one syncgroup

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