mudlark wrote: 
> Hi, As I explained the analogue output is from the raspberry pi (jack
> socket). My hifiberry is a digi so the only analogue out that I have is
> the jack. I have tried the tracks in various ways. one track, several
> tracks and an album. I move the play point to about 20 seconds and play
> it through the junction from one track to the next.
> The HDMI out goes to a TV, but any dropout would be noticed. I'm not
> aware of any parts of my system that would be capable of dealing with a
> drop out glitch.
> My LMS was controlled by a second computer by the way.
> Any other variables you think might be the problem. Buffer set to 80
> which is standard as far as I know.
> I've synced to my transporter. The pi analogue has a stop and start
> between tracks. The transporter doesn't. The transporter sounds rather
> better than the analogue out. The analogue is quite OK though.
> Alsa settings 80:::0.

Sorry, I misinterpreted your set up.  Yes, buffer is set to 80.  Are
ALSA settings applicable when using the built-in audio?

bpa wrote: 
> Have enabling logging on squeezelite and compared what happens on the
> player which has the glitch and the one that doesn't.  Check to see if
> there any subtle differences - timing / order of log message etc. 
> Does the problem happen with all audio format or just one ? 
> Does any change happen if you do transcoding to WAV on LMS server ?
> Can you characterise "glitch" a little more -
> is it a gap with silence/noise but with no loss of audio (i.e. as if
> silence/noise inserted into audio stream)  or a gap with a corresponding
> loss of audio (i.e. as if mute was on for short period)?

Happens with 16/44 and 24/96 FLAC.  I'll need to test MP3 later tonight,
along with the transcoding option.

The glitch is a very brief pause/hiccup with maybe a little pop.  Almost
like mute was on for 5 milliseconds.

It happens with both players, that were set up at completely different
times,  independently of each other. One B, the other B+.

For reference, these people (among others) had the same problem that I

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