JackOfAll wrote: 
> It is primarily a Squeezebox replacement. That's the reason for its
> existence. It's an "out of the box player". Pre-built, complete with
> power supply, wi-fi dongle..... Plug it in, and off you go. Nothing to
> build, solder, or tinker with.
> (Which is not to say that someone couldn't run a xmbc based distro on
> it, of course they can. You'll need a kernel compiled with the sound
> card drivers, but those will be available under the GPL and free for
> anyone to include in their distro, whether that be Steen or someone else
> producing a xbmc distro.)
> I personally don't feel that the Pi has the horsepower for being an LMS
> server as well as music playing client. However, and although the RPM's
> containing the necessary software will not ship with the default Pidora
> based image to enable server functionality, they will be available via a
> community repo and one click away from being installed. I rather hope
> that users who do not want to run the "full fat" OS will have a "light"
> option with Steen's ramdisk based pico image. As far as I know that does
> not come with LMS. So it's going to be a choice for users to make. Run
> the "official" OS or pico or maybe even something completely different.
> Everything has up as well as downsides.
> It has been designed for sound quality. I know where it stands on that
> front having had the chance to compare it to most of the other Pi based
> DAC solutions out there. (And much else besides.) If I start talking it
> up on that front, I'm sure to be accused of marketing. The users who
> have got them already, have signed an NDA, which they will need to be
> released from before they can start talking about it. That is not going
> to happen before next week. My reason for posting to this thread, (and
> that has been achieved having just read a PM from Steen), was to try and
> get this hardware supported by a community OS. That has been achieved.
> Not to convince a bunch of you to dig deep into your pockets, before it
> has even been launched..... ;)
> Anyway, it is not fair me continuing any conversation relating to this
> in Steen's pico thread. I'll pop back in next week, when I am free to
> say more, and point you to a forum where you can discuss it, if you want
> to, ask questions of exisiting users, etc. etc.
I tried using a single Pi for both LMS and player.  The Pi just does not
have enough CPU power to do both.  I am now running 3 RPiBs as
PiCorePlayers and a PiB as my LMS.  As an LMS the Pi is no better than
OK-ish.  It works very well when streaming Pandora but when it has to
collect an MP3 from my WD MyCloud and play that you can hear
quantization noise (or something that sounds like it) at very low
volumes.  The LMS, WD MyCloud and the PiCorePlayer in question are all
connected to the same gigabit Ethernet switch and are collocated on the
same shelf.  I am using a Behringer UCA 222 as my USB DAC. 

I am aiming to replace the LMS with something with a lot more CPU grunt
next year.

Hope this helps.

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