Mnyb wrote: 
> Does it have a name so i can google up some info on it . and actually
> find it on the Pi Supply shop .

I wouldn't expect you to be able to find it via the Pi Supply shop until
it goes on sale, which won't be until 17/11, as I already said.

Mnyb wrote: 
> or you could kindly direct me to some tread elsewhere with info , is
> there some ongoing treads on other forums ?

AKAIK, the only forum thread where it has been discussed, is private, by
invitation ONLY and the public forum where it will be supported wont be
launched until the player is on sale.

Mnyb wrote: 
> Or as you know these guys , you could convince them to push their own
> product here on the forum in its own tread .

I don't think anyone is going out of their way to *push* this product.
;) I have received several requests via PM (from pico users) for more
info, specifically when it would be available for sale and for how much.
I said I'd post here once I had that info. As soon as I am made aware of
a product brief/spec page you can look at, I'll post a link.

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