alkjones wrote: 
> Greg / Steen / Pascal
> Thanks for responding.
> I think the problem here, and perhaps why I'm eliciting some confusion
> in your guys, is that I don't actually know what I'm doing. As I said, I
> looked around for a decent power switch and found the ATXRASPI. I've
> bought one, and an LED button too and I'm awaiting delivery. I had
> assumed that this was the best way to shut down the RPI / PICO player -
> this is clearly incorrect. A clean shutdown is a good way to shutdown a
> PI that DOESNT run this flavour of linux. As you say, with the Pico
> player, you can just yank the power (which is essentially what I've been
> doing with my remote power switches).
> OK, so now that I've got it straight in my head, and already have an LED
> button in bound (two - silver and black..I couldn't make up my mind on
> which colour aluminium box to use..) I'll go down the route of a switch
> and some resistors just to kill the power to the Pi. however....please
> refer to my first comment. Though is clearly outside the scope of this
> forum, and your software, could you point me in the direction on some
> instructions on how to do that? google yields gabillions of results for
> configuring a SAFE shutdown switch, but i cant find anything on wiring
> up something that will just kill the power (especially using an LED
> power button..)
> CHeers
> Alastair

Thanks for replying. Unfortunately I have no idea what this means which
is why I'm after a tutorial or something on line that I can wade through
and learn..


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