bitlisz wrote: 
> I hope someone can help to figure out why I don't get sound for DSD?
> All others, even 192/24 files plays fine.
> For DSD file playback i can see it is playing (time counting) and also
> info 1bit 2822.4 kHz or 5644.8 kHz.
> Done media rescan, and even full reinstall of LMS with cleanup.
> Same on 2 Raspberry Pi: B with HiFiBerry DAC, and A+ with HiFiBerry
> DAC+
> piCorePlayer v1.18b Squeezelite updated with "Triodes newest version"
> In Squeezelite settings tried "Device supports DoP": -e DSD
> Windows Server 2012 R2
> Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.0 - 1422454553 @ Sat Jan 31 04:04:42
> CUT 2015
> in LMS DSDPlayer (v1.0) activated at plugins, 
> Advanced/File types: DFF and DSF visible as native
> At selected Player under DSDPlay only visible 1 line (nothing to
> enable/select):
> "Enable DSD-over-PCM This player supports native playback of DSD files.
> DSD-over-PCM should be configured on the player configuration
> interface."
> At selected Player Audio disabled Crossfade, Smart Crossfade, Volume
> fixed at 100%...

Hi bitlisz.

HiFiBerry DAC/DAC+ do not support native DSD playback. You have to tell
squeezelite that your Pi does not support native DSD before the the LMS
DSDPlayer plugin allows you to configure the Soxr re-sampling options. 

If you open the piCorePlayer webpage you can disable native DSD support
by entering "-e dsd" in the Various input textbox on the Squeezelite
Settings page. Submit the setting and reboot your Pi.

Restart LMS just to be sure. You should now be able to configure the the
DSD plugin. Be sure to disable Enable DSD-over PCM!


|Filename: Screenshot from 2014-06-25 09-38-33.jpg                  |

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