sbp wrote: 
> No that seems too long .
> Do you use wifi?
> Sometimes if you have a weak signal it will try a couple of times to
> connect and that can take some time.
> We have a new version almost ready which will boot much faster
> especially if you don't use wifi because then we skip loading all the
> firmware and wifi modules during the boot process. 
> The new version boots at around 20 - 30 sec if used without wifi.
> steen

Yes I do use wifi, but my configuration is a bit out of the ordinary
since I need a wifi ad-hoc connection (without Ethernet).  
I'm currently investigating what is going on. I noticed that the pi
tries several times to connect to the wifi network and each time it
launches udhcpc to re-query for an IP address. That process takes a lot
of time. Only thing is, I need an ad-hoc network connection (not a
connection with an AP), which I have configured manually since the
webpages do not support that. My guess is that the "normal"
configuration is interfering with my manual configuration (or the other
way around). And I guess that the "normal" configuration takes
precedence to my manual configuration. But like I said, I'm still
investigation what is going on.

It is strange though that my manual configuration for the wifi card
works when the pi has an Ethernet connection. With the Ethernet cable
disconnected my manual config does not work. But in both cases (with and
without Ethernet) the pi take a long time to boot due to the udhcpc
process (triggered because I have wifi set to on). Maybe I need to set
wireless to off in the webpages and then run my manual configuration

To be continued... :-)

'M-DAC' ( ->
'Cambridge Audio Azur 840E'
( ->
'Focal MP1200' ( -> 'Focal Electra 1028 Be'
1 x SB3, 1 x SB Boom, 1 x SB Radio and 2 x SB Touch - all wireless
1 x Wandboard Dual behind the bedroom ceiling
1 x Wandboard Dual for 'msqueeze' (
1 x Wandboard Quad (will eventually become my LMS server)
ReadyNAS NVX running LMS 7.8.1. - 1402661598
iPeng 7 on iPhone.
SqueezePad & iPeng 7 on iPad.
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