marcoc1712 wrote: 
> I'havent tried squeeze2upnp so I don't know how it works,but if is based
> on squeezelite and you are trying to send upsampled pcm, it will not
> work as any other player will not, just beocuse LMS in that case send
> wrong information, thtat's why we have squeezelite-R2. If this is the
> case, please set max sample rate of the player same as the source file,
> disable decoding to pcm for the player OR chose a different target
> format, like flac if you like.
> Remembre that C-3PO is nothing more than a web interface over file types
> and convert.conf parameters. It allow you  to do everything you already
> could using them (with a plus), but with same limitations, that depends
> on player capabilities.
> By default, C-3PO try to upsample to the maximun syncronous sample rate,
> meaning the maximun multiple of the 'real' song samplerate supported by
> the player, so it's very important you correctly set sample rates for
> every player.
> Check also the bit depth, if your player is not capable to play a 32 bit
> stream, you should set it accordingly.
> If you would like to give a chance to C-3PO, we should move to another
> thd, here we are OT.
> Let me know, please.
I do use 24 bit pcm (from flac) from LMS with squeeze2upnp at the
moment, so I'm not sure what the problem is that you are solving. I do
have one comment, which is that it is unclear what the bit rates are
meant to be defining - are they for the source or for the player?  Your
description above about multiples of the maximum samplerate support by a
player leaves me baffled - if its the maximum it can't be a multiple of
that can it?    However, as you say this is not the place for that
discussion.  Suffice to say there are enough parameters that I have no
idea about (dither and so on) that I'd better leave it alone.  Thanks
anyway.  If I get the urge to try again sometime l'll look for a C-3PO

LMS 7.9 on VortexBox Midi box, Xubuntu 14.04, FLACs 16->24 bit,
LMS plugin UPnP/DLNA Bridge to MF M1 CLiC (to 405/2 amp & ESLs) &
Marantz CR603 UPnP renderers.  
Alternatively Minimserver & Upplay to same & to upmpdcli/mpd PC
Squeezelite to Meridian USB Explorer DAC to PC speakers/headphones.  
Wireless Xubuntu 15.10 laptop firefox/upplay or Android 'phone with
Squeeze-Commander/BubbleUPnP controls LMS/Minimserver.  
Also a Touch with EDO, plus spare, unused.
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