pzwief wrote: 
> Been running my Raspberry Pi with Rune & it's pretty cool but I want
> Roon.  I use the pi with Hifiberry Digi+ and ethernet.  Saw Hans
> Beekhuyzen's video  "Raspberry Pi as Roon endpoint using HifiBerry Digi+
> and piCorePlayer" on youtube & decided to try it.  I downloaded
> Hifiberry's installer, selected "I know what Linux distribution I want",
> selected "picoreplayer", selected "raspberry pi 2 B+", selected
> "HiFiBerry Digi+" selected my micro sd card & hit install.   I booted my
> pi with the new sd card but it never showed up on my network.  Couldn't
> find it looking at ip addresses in my router either.  Hifiberry support
> said that' ok, you don't need windows to see the pi.  So then I
> downloaded & installed Roon server & Roon remote on my ipad.  In Roon
> Remote from my ipad I went to setting & then audio.  Again, the pi
> didn't show up.  The pi works fine with Rune and Volumio but no luck
> with piCoreplayer.  Any suggestions?  Thanks for your help!

Try a download directly from Picoreplayer download page,

The latest version 2.03 works with all Pi's EXECEPT 3 ! (Pcp is not
available for 3 (yet))

Write to SD and try again, if you can scan your network you should find
a device called picoreplayer and then you can configure from web gui.


*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezePlayer,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version: 7.9.0 - 1453293926 on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6 on HP
*Plugins:* AutoRescan/BBCiPlayer/PowerSave/PowerSwitchIII/Squeezecloud
*Remotes:* iPeng8/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite
*Music:* 383GB,1269 albums 17756 songs 4381 artists mostly FLACs

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