A strange issue for the developers of picoreplayer (or iPeng). 

Until today I had LMS running on a Mac mini, the older 7.7.5 version, I
use LMS only as an intermediair to a streaming service. I had this RPI 2
B on the shelf so why not use it for that and do away with Mac mini. So
the other day i installed PcP 3.02 and did the necessary setup and all
was fine.

Then I switched PcP to a fixed IP address, still everything okay. Next I
picked up my tablet and used iPeng to control change the music and than
it happened: About every 2 minutes iPeng updated it screen and for a
brief moment it looked like the SB Touch disappeared and a few seconds
later it appeared again and the track that was playing restarted from
the beginning. 

I downloaded the PcP image again and installed all again, set PcP to a
fixed IP, all was fine again: music played without problems, I used the
classic web interface to navigate and played a few albums. Later that
evening i picked up the tablet and as soon as I used iPeng the whole
disappear/appear and track restart nonsense started over again.

I re-installed iPeng but still the same problem. Even after iPeng was
de-installed the whole disappear/appear and track restart continued. 

As last resort I switched back to the default to get an IP via DHCP from
my router/switch and lo and behold: no issues anymore from the last few

Strange issue. Either something in PcP of iOS/iPeng. 


does the all-black SB sound better than the white SB?
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