We'll be starting a new thread for the release version.  But for the
Beta guys out there, the release version is available for insitu_update.

-Minor tweaks from the last beta.
-Reloading the reboot page should no longer reboot your pCP device
-You can now do an insitu_update and change from pcpCore to
pcpAudioCore, and vise versa.

For the adventuresome 3.11 users reading this,  If you do a hotfix (Near
the bottom of the Main Page in Beta Mode), this will install a small fix
that, that will allow you to do an insitu_update to 3.20.   By my tests,
if you are using a 3.11 image, when you install 3.20, you should have
about 180k of disk space left on the boot partition.  99% Full.

paul-'s Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58858
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107223

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