nowhinjing wrote: 
> should work, since I've used the generic screen drivers - you may need
> different modprobe parameters, but I guess adafruit can help you with
> that.
> let me know how you get on - if you get it to work I would be happy to
> add any changes required to the website under an addendum for your
> display.
> good luck,

Have you tried this with pCP 3.20?   The staging drivers are present in
that kernel too.  There are a fair number of folks trying to do this, I
can include these tft staging drivers in our touchscreen-KERNEL.tcz
extension.  Also, if you put your modified applets here
"~/.jivelite/userpath/applets/"  then restart jivelite, these copies
should override the default extensions in the jivelite tcz.  You will
probably need the full applet in this location, not just the modified
files.......but not 100% sure on this point.

That will at least save folks from having to make custom extensions.

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