what's the minimum memory card size to upgrade to 3.21?

I extended the partition to the whole SD card (8GB)
in the beginning of the process it says this

[ INFO ] You are installing piCorePlayer3.21
[  OK  ] Free space: 7150336k - Required space: 12000k

then when untaring:

tar: write error: No space left on device
[ ERROR ] Error untarring boot tar. Result: 1
[ INFO ] Restoring old OS...
[ INFO ] Unmounting /mnt/mmcblk0p1...

do we have to use a 16GB now?
Or am I wrong in extending the partition to full SD card?

thanks in advance for the help!

Syno 415+ with LMS 7.9 -> Picoreplayer 3.11 with Audio-GD I2S hdmi
output -> PS Audio DirectStream -> Pass Labs XP20 -> Pass Labs XVR-1 ->
2 x Karan KA S 400 -> XTZ Divine 100.49 -> happiness
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