Greg Erskine wrote: 
> rmac321, also if just interested in the boot process, try looking at the
> boot diagnostics.
> [Main] page in [Beta] mode > [Diagnostics] > [Boot]

Paul, The tiny core book is fascinating - which means you are now
responsible for me finding something new to steal time away from the
honeydews.  I hadn't actually considered using piCore/tinycore for other
projects until looking through that book and realizing the potential for
so many projects!  So many ideas - so little time!  The udhcpd hint got
me to busybox which has all kinds of useful info.  What we want here is
the client - udhcpc.

Greg, I had forgotten about the diagnostics page once I finally obtained
a crippled network connection.  That is a really nice summary of all the
pertinent info all in one place.  That gave me the last clue and I now
have made this thing boot up, enable the enc28j60, handshake with the
router and move on through the rest of the process.

The sd card is such a mess from all the experimenting, that I want to do
a fresh install and document everything from the beginning.  Once I have
a good clean path, I'll update for those interested.

Thanks again, you guys rock!

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