So I tried the Bluetooth speaker support.
Quirky but it works, and most importantly it auto-magically reconnects
if you cycle the power on your bluetooth device


Built-in Wifi and Bluetooth cannot be on at the same time, YET it allows
you to proceed with 'trying' to use Bluetooth without warning or any
built-in messages to prevent the inevitable failure. This can and
probably will lead to frustrations as people think something is wrong,
but just don't happen to check the WiFi tab to turn the internal
bluetooth on....only at that moment will you get a message that wifi and
bluetooth can not be on at the same time.

Suggestion: Give a message that tells users BTHeadset can not be used
when enternal WiFi is enabled...As Soon As they select BTHeadset [if
wifi is enabled] don't have to get so smart as to do it only when
internal wifi is on. A user will read the message and either stop if
they have the enternal wifi on or proceed if they don't.

So next step, get a bluetooth dongle to connect...nope, ain't happening
as the RPi won't power it on.

So next next step, get a wifi dongle to connect to wifi and use the
internal bluetooth. Great it works! Wifi connected and Bluetooth on. Now
power up the bluetooth headset and hit scan. First run, nothing...okay
second attempt and it shows up. Select 'pair' and wait, it paired and
for some reason disconnected the pairing. Okay, second run, scan
again....sees the headset and select pair...boom, done! Works great from
that point. Powered off the headset and back on to test, reconnected
without a hitch.

Something else I noticed. When/If I return back to USB or some other
output, everything resets to factory settings.

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