Thanks guys for the update it looks like you have made some great
improvements but I am struggling to get it to work on my RPI3. 
Previously I was running PCP 3.22 Audio with an Allo Digione, LMS with a
USB SSD mounted and SAMBA to allow me to synch the SSD with my NAS.

The in-situ update from 3.22 Audio to 3.5.0 Audio failed so I flashed
the SD-card (2GB) and got the PCP main page via the normal IP address
and could set-up Squeezelite for my DigiOne.  However, at various stages
in the set-up of LMS it looses the connection (forcing the DHCP to be
off made no difference).  This seems to happen in several
1. When expanding the SD card volume to install LMS.  Instead of "full
card" which failed, I chose 1000MB which worked (usually but not
2. If I turn the on-board wifi off (I am using a wired connection)
3. If I try to install Samba (this was after LMS was installed and the
volume expanded)
3. After rebooting PCP after selecting DigiOne (this only happened after
I had installed LMS, otherwise it would work)

Sometimes after these events I can ping the RPI3, others not, but the
web page fails to come up.  Powering down and rebooting makes no
difference so I have to re-flash the card and start all over again.

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