bpa wrote: 
> Good.
> This is long explanation and my understanding but it may have
> inaccuracies
> MEPG-4 is a flexible but complex transport format so there are many ways
> of laying out data in a file - an MPEG4 file is made up of data "atoms".
> If a file is played by an application which has access to the file
> (e.g. a PMP) then the application can jump anywhere in the file (e.g.
> beginning , middle or end) without a problem.  A streaming player can
> only play a file from beginning to end - it cannot jump to end of file
> as file is streamed from first byte to last. 
> AAC audio is organised in frames.  The start of each frame has to be
> identified. In ADTS format (mainly used by HTTP AAC streams) this is
> done by a special byte sequence at start of each frame.  In MPEG4
> format, there is an index table with byte offset pointers for each
> frame.  When ffmpeg is converting a file to create an MPEG-4 AAC file,
> it builds the index table internally but outputs the audio data as it is
> processed in the "mdat" atom. When all the input file is process, ffmpeg
> then write the index table (and other data) at the end of the file in a
> "moov" atom.  A file based player can play this file because it can
> easily jump to end of file to the index, fetch the index and then jump
> back to start of file and find the audio frames to be played.  A
> streaming player gets the audio first, doesn't know where the frames
> begin and so halts.
> The "-movflags faststart" option make ffmpeg do a second pass on
> converted file and move the audio data to end of the file so that a
> streaming player gets and reads the index table first and then when
> audio data arrives next, the streaming player knows where the frames
> begin.
> Other data such as embedded cover art could also be positioned at the
> end and this may cause problems to a streaming player.

Thank you for all of your assistance and knowledge!  I'm happily
listening to my m4a files on this new build :cool:

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