paul- wrote: 
> Yes, wifi has been completely rewritten, but should not affected channel
> connections.  If I had to guess it is failing at 5G and then before it
> can switch to 2.4G it is timing out.  I have no idea how a RPI functions
> in an environtment with the same SSID for both bands, because my wifi
> router doesn't allow it.  Running separate SSID's for each band will
> give you better control of what is going on.
> Any way you can connect over hardware, then run wifi diagnositics and
> the pastebin the results.

Thanks Paul for the hints, so I took some further attempts, but to no
It seems that Pi/PiCore/PiCorePlayer totally ignore the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi,
although all my other devices (Laptop, mobiles, Squeezeradio, and pCP
previously) have no issues with it.

I wasn't even actually aware before that there was an option to assign
separate SSIDs for the two WiFi bands in my router... but now I did it.
Most of my devices are an 5 GHz by now, but a few still need 2.4, plus
it reaches more far than the 5 GHz signal.

Surprisingly, even after assigning a different SSID (highway69n) to the
2.4 band, that new SSID is not shown in the WiFi Diagnostic page, but
only the 5 band (highway69). 

I'm about done here.. last options might be to mess around with IPv6 but
before I do that I might rather switch back to pCP 3.5.

How can I "pastebin" the results of the wifi diagnostics... ok I managed
to attach as PDF.

|Filename: pCP - Wifi Diagnostics.pdf                               |

*Server:* LMS 7.9.1 on Synology DS216Play. SOX mansr ARMv7 & C-3PO.
*Players:* SB Radio, RPi 3B+, 7’’ Touch, pCP @Marshall Acton. Multiroom
HiFi: Denon AVR-X4000, AVM M30 @Nubert NuLine/NuVero 5.1+2
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