I have the piCorePlayer and LMS running on the same RPi (3).

I put my music library on a USB flash drive, plugged into the RPi, and
pointed the piCorePlayer's LMS at that.

Playback only on one player is fine, but when attempting to play a
24-bit/44.1kHz FLAC track on the piCorePlayer and then sync a SB Radio
to that, the playback becomes intermittent, sometimes stopping for a few
seconds on the pCP, other times on the Radio.   As though a buffering

By elimination, I found that it wasn't due to the network, whether WiFi
or wired to the RPi (but always WiFi to the Radio); using another LMS on
a Windows server, with the music library on a disk on that server,
sync'd playback is fine (and using WiFi for RPi and Radio).

The problem therefore appears to be with using the USB flash for my
library on the RPi.  But this is supposed to have a read speed of

What might the problem be?  What can I do about it? (to be able to use
the USB flash on the RPi, and sync'd players).


Living room: SB Touch, with coax to: Marantz PM7005, TDL RTL3 speakers.
Dining room: SB Boom.
Kitchen: SB Radio 1/4 with battery.
Bedroom 1: SB Radio 2/4 no battery, SB Radio 3/4 with battery.
Bedroom 2: SB3 1/2, AE 2.1. speakers.
Bedroom 3: Slim Devices SB3 2/2, Edirol MA-15D powered monitors.
Bathroom: SB Radio 4/4, white, with (and running on) battery.
Server: LMS v7.9.1 on WSE 2012 R2, HP Proliant Gen8 G1610T, 2.3GHz, 8GB.
Furry's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=11328
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=109404

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