Hi Hreg,
Thanks for your answer!
The PCB of the card says hifiberry dig-pro HW 1.2
I tried with all the hifiberry settings anyway...
I’ll check the overlay manually and remove the IR to test what could be
the conflict with

Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Hi Linvincible,
> It should be a matter of selecting "HiFiBerry Digi and Digi+" or 
> "HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro".
> There is a confusion (to me anyway), mine says it a:
> > 
  >   > HiFiBerry Digi-Pro HW 1.1
  > config.txt dtoverlay=hifiberry-digi
> > 
> HiFiBerry Digi and Digi+ uses dtoverlay=hifiberry-digi
> HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro uses dtoverlay=hifiberry-digi-pro
> What does it exactly say on your HiFiBerry Digi PCB?
> BTW:
> 1. What is your User Command #1 for? /usr/local/bin/sds.sh
> 2. Also there seems to be a GPIO conflict with your IR remote.
> regards
> Greg

Syno 415+ with LMS 7.9 -> Picoreplayer 3.11 with Audio-GD I2S hdmi
output -> PS Audio DirectStream -> Pass Labs XP20 -> Pass Labs XVR-1 ->
2 x Karan KA S 400 -> XTZ Divine 100.49 -> happiness
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