OK - bit of reading last night and I understand how @Greg's set this up
- I think.  @Greg's comment about leaving the Output Setting on the
Squeezelite  settings page blank is the key.  As he says, leaving this
field blank tells squeezelite to use the default device.  Then, the
pcm.!default setting in the asound page sets up a default device which
is then configured by the radio buttons on that page etc..  Haven't had
a chance to test it yet, but I'm sure it'll work.  Will try it tomorrow.
This works because the "hw:1,0"  etc. settings in asound.conf is
specifying the device instead of it being set in the Squeezelite page -
that's the first device (0) on the second card (USB, dac etc.).

I think you could also manually create a device in /etc/asound.conf for
example like 

        type route
        slave.pcm "hw:1,0"
        ttable {
                0.1 1
                0.0 1
                1.0 1
                1.1 1

and then set MonoOutput as the device name in Output in Squeezelite
settings.  You can also replace "hw:1,0" with something like
"hw:CARD=sndrpihifiberry" to make it more explicit I think.

@Greg, thanks for your help and understand this was done a while ago. 
BTW, I'm not sure that the equal setting asound.conf will always work. 
It looks like it hard codes "plughw:1,0" as the slave device.  If so,
that works when we're using applying the equaliser to the second card
(e.g. DAC etc.)  but if you happened to use a different device (e.g. the
built in audio), it won't do anything.  Could we maybe create an
asound.conf which contained the devices for Mono, Left, Default and
equal, add a dropdown to the Squeezelite settings page to select which
profile to use and then do a find/replace on asound.conf when you change
the output device.  Maybe add a "custom" option to just allow for manual
editing of asound.conf if you want to get clever and do your own thing. 
The current setup is a bit confusing IMHO.  I'll have a fiddle with this

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