Thank you for the detailed build instructions.
I've been unable to ascertain the current license requirements for mp3plugin-1.0.jar. The current 'link to mp3plugin' ( only provides access to the JMF MP3 plugin which doesn't include mp3plugin-1.0.jar AFAICT. I tried to update the softsqueeze3 cvs today only to discover that my project admin access has been removed. I opened a ticket with sourceforge but I doubt they will fix it as I'm not the project owner only a contributor. In the mean time I've updated my 'softsqueeze3 github repository' ( with your jsch-0.1.54.jar change. I'm reluctant to add the mp3plugin-1.0.jar file until I can clarify the current licensing requirement. However, I've added a build-mp3plugin.xml file which just requires mp3plugin-1.0.jar be copied to the lib folder before running ant. ant -DVERSION=3.9.1 -buildfile build-mp3plugin.xml clean init media Could your issue with the mp3plugin jar file not loading be related to missing the -1.0 in the filename? My test version on linux loaded the mp3plugin jar file correctly, however I'm still using the 1.8jdk. If you could replace your cvs checkout with a clone of the git repository and build a *3.9.1* macos *SoftSqueeze* installer package without mp3plugin-1.0.jar for the community that would be greatly appreciated. I've uploaded the I created to my 'lms clients site' ( and would be happy to host your macos package there as well. Ralphy *1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio 'Squeezebox client builds' ( 'donations' (¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted) always appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ralphy's Profile: View this thread: _______________________________________________ unix mailing list