Hi there

Is there a way, e..g in the Jivelite GUI, that I could read out the
sample rate and possibly also the bit depth that piCorePlayer is
currently feeding to the I2S DAC (i.e. = the device that I have
configured in Squeezelite as my player) ?

P.S. I also have Squeezelite-X installed, and working, on my PC.
Currently with the Material skin. Don't know if it's maybe easier to
have the information shown here in this GUI instead? I don't care where
to read it, so long as I could please have it presented somewhere.

The reason? ... I'm playing with upsampling. I am convinced that I can
hear differences, but it would be nice to verify that the changes I'm
playing with are actually effective and that I'm not just fooling myself
(e.g. some psychoacoustic effect).


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