chill wrote: 
> The mist is starting to clear.  The answer to my first question is that
> Network Manager is not needed if the interfaces are configured solely
> through /etc/network/interfaces.
> For my second question, the problem with the wlan0 block that I posted
> earlier is that the wpa-psk option requires the hexadecimal key, not the
> normal wifi password. 

I did some more testing with a fresh Ubuntu image, and I'm afraid I'm
guilty of spreading misinformation on the internet!  The wpa-psk option
can indeed use the normal password.  And although Network Manager isn't
needed, it is necessary to install wpasupplicant.

So now I have a worked set of instructions to go from a fresh Ubuntu
base/server image to a complete Luajit/JiveLite install that connects to
wifi and starts JiveLite at boot up.

Start by putting the 'Ext4 version of Ubuntu Base/Server 14.04 LTS
onto a USB stick, then boot the Joggler from that stick.  You'll need to
enter the following commands, so you'll either need a USB keyboard
attached to the Joggler (hence you'll need a USB hub), or you'll need to
connect to the Joggler over your network via SSH.  Connecting over SSH
is easier as you can copy and paste these commands, even in batches or
(probably) all in one go.  Login as 'Joggler', with password 'Joggler'.

Start with all the package/library installs and build Luajit and

    sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant
  sudo apt-get install  git-core libluajit-5.1-dev libsdl1.2-dev 
libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libexpat1-dev
  mkdir luajit
  cd luajit
  git clone
  cd luajit-2.0
  sudo make install
  sudo ldconfig
  git clone
  cd jivelite
  sudo make PREFIX=/usr/local
  sudo apt install xinit
  sudo apt-get install xinput-calibrator

xinput-calibrator isn't necessary to run JiveLite, but it may be useful
if your touchscreen needs to be calibrated (mine's fine without
calibration).  Start the calibrator with:

    sudo xinit xinput_calibrator

Then create a script to start Jivelite:

  sudo nano

Enter (or copy/paste) this text into the script, then ctrl-x > y >

  export JIVE_NOCURSOR=1
  sudo -E xinit /home/joggler/jivelite/bin/jivelite

Edit /etc/rc.local to call that script at boot:

    sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Insert this line just before the 'exit 0' line at the end, then ctrl-x >
y > enter:

    sudo bash /home/joggler/

Edit the file that defines the network interfaces:

    sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Ensure that it looks like this, then ctrl-x > y > enter.  
(replace "ssid" with your own, and "password" with your normal password.
I have them between double quotes, but I'm not certain the quotes are

    # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
  auto lo
  iface lo inet loopback
  allow-hotplug eth0
  iface eth0 inet dhcp
  allow-hotplug wlan0
  iface wlan0 inet dhcp
  wpa-ssid "ssid"
  wpa-psk "passkey"

Finally reboot:

    sudo shutdown -r now

If everything has gone smoothly then the Joggler should boot without an
ethernet cable and pick up an IP address from DHCP (assuming that's how
your wifi is set up).  Check the connections with:


or just the wired interface, or just the wifi interface:

    ifconfig eth0
  ifconfig wlan0

If ever you quit out of JiveLite, you can restart it with:

  sudo bash

I did take an image of this raw install, so if it's useful I can post
that somewhere, but it should take around 30 minutes to complete all of
the above instructions.

It's not quite what I was aiming for, primarily because it boots from an
attached USB stick rather than internal flash, but also because it's a
bit rough around the edges - it needs one file to be edited manually to
change the wifi settings, the boot process shows everything that's going
on rather than a nice clean splash screen, the 'JiveLite' splash screen
is off-centre when it's run under xinit, and probably a few other things
that I've forgotten.  But it's pretty close.

I did look into what's required to get this onto flash.  I compared the
packages in this install with those in Squeezeplay OS, and not only are
there a lot fewer packages in sqpos, but the kernel is a lot smaller
too.  There are some good instructions around for building a version for
installation to flash, so I may look at that next.

But I might have another crack at TinyCore/Alpine.  I found that I could
boot the .iso distribution images if I use a virtual environment on my
Mac (VirtualBox), and I was even able to then use their built-in tools
to make a bootable USB stick, but guess what - the Joggler won't boot
that version either!

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