Ludopi wrote: 
> Answer to myself : all 'low color' problems were due to too high
> frequency in config.txt.
> => recommended value of screen=24000000  (pughx2/picore3 page) was too
> high for my waveshare 3.5" LCD clone.
> => lowering it to 20000000 did the trick for me.
> Hope this helps others (I was getting mad).

For those who followed the instructions and STILL have problems with
colors, this is how I solved it.

(I have a waveshare 3.5" (B) revision 2. THIS IS IMPORTANT: not only the
"B", but the "*revision 2*". Check on the back of the screen, if it's
revision 2 you see a "Rev 2" printed on the board)

- I followed . Works but colours
still not quite there. Shut down and remove the SD card, plug it in your

- from this site I downloaded the
file *waveshare35b-v2-overlay.dtb * (AGAIN: make sure you don't download
waveshare35b-overlay.dtb which works but still with wrong colours.)
- save it on the SD card in the folder "overlays".
- edit config.txt and replace   *dtoverlay=piscreen* with
*dtoverlay=waveshare35b-v2-overlay*  . That is, same name of the file
but without the extension.
- save the file, put it back in the RPI and start it again. Now you
should see all the right colours.

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