I added a file in /etc/udev/rules.d, this is needed to have write access
to USB devices.

The binary in /usr/sbin, and the startup script in /etc/init.d.

I guess it must be managed differently.

Madamina, il catalogo รจ questo... town: Musical Fidelity Dr.Thomas,
Preamp II, Infinity 7K, Squeezebox Classic (2), 2 Squeezelite bt on
Raspi, Raspberry Pi 2 with HiFiBerry, Ubuntu 18.4 LTS server
country: Musical Fidelity A-5, Infinity Renaissance 90, Musical Fidelity
A120, Sonus Faber Concertino, Squeezebox Classic, SB Touch, Raspberry Pi
2 with HiFiBerry, Raspberry Pi Zero-w bt, Raspberry Pi 3 server with
Debian Jessie on Arm7
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