sodface wrote: 
> I wouldn't classify /usr/sbin/httpd as a system administration program
> and it's probably never run as either a system administrator or a normal
> user, or at least it drops privileges after it's executed. In other
> words, I don't see how Alpine packagers determined that Apache2's
> binaries should live in /usr/sbin if they were following the FHS so
> either they weren't, or I don't know how to interpret the FHS.
It doesn't say "a system administration program", but one "used
exclusively by the system administrator", which is true for any
server-type application (a regular user is not supposed to e.g. start a
database server etc.)
Also "run as either a system administrator or a normal user, or at least
it drops privileges after it's executed" is not relevant - we're not
talking about the technical user (e.g. root, ...) a process runs as
(which determines privileges etc., and can be different to the user who
started it (suid etc.)), but about who (=which role) runs / uses this

Coming back to LMS:
Packages from aynwhere but the offical repos should never be in /usr,
/srv etc.
The static application files can be either in /opt/ (monolithic, e.q.
/opt/lms/lib/{AnyEvent,...}, /opt/lms/ - basically the
untarred no-CPAN), or /usr/local/ (split, e.g. /usr/local/share/lms/,
/usr/local/bin/ Personally, I prefer option 1, since it's
much simpler to handle.
Variable files are always in /var (/var/log/logitechmediaserver,
/var/lib/logitechmediaserver/cache) (and not in /opt or /usr/local,
since these are read-only for applications)
Config files are either in /etc/logitechmediaserver or

Excerpt from my

  } elsif ($dir eq 'prefs') {                                                   
  push @dirs, $::prefsdir || "/etc/logitechmediaserver/prefs";                  
  } elsif ($dir eq 'log') {                                                     
  push @dirs, $::logdir || "/var/log/logitechmediaserver";                      
  } elsif ($dir eq 'cache') {                                                   
  push @dirs, $::cachedir || "/var/lib/logitechmediaserver/cache";              

'Various SW' ( Web Interface | Playlist
Editor / Generator | Music Classification | Similar Music | Announce |
EventTrigger | LMSlib2go | ...
'Various HowTos' ( build a
self-contained LMS | Bluetooth/ALSA | Control LMS with any device | ...
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