After getting derailed by seemingly random file checksum mismatches
using the internal SATA port on the armel M300's I was working with, I
finally basically gave up on that older hardware and picked up some
newer x86_64 Wyse thin clients: a 5070 and several 3040's.  These things
are really nice.

I can use off the shelf Alpine on them obviously so that's a big time
saver.  Still have to build and package squeezelite and LMS. 
Squeezelite is pretty straightforward and Ralphy has the 'APKBUILD for
it on github.'

Had my plan mostly together for packaging up LMS and apparently Alpine
doesn't agree that installing to /opt complies with the FHS. I got this
error when building the package:

  >>> lms*: Running postcheck for lms
  >>> ERROR: lms*: Packages must not put anything under /srv, /usr/local or /opt

The relevant section of the script:

  # checking for FHS compat                   
  if ! options_has "!fhs"; then
  for i in "$dir"/srv/* "$dir"/usr/local/* "$dir"/opt/*; do
  if [ -e "$i" ]; then
  error "Packages must not put anything under /srv, /usr/local or /opt"
  return 1
  if [ -d "$dir"/usr/var ]; then
  error "Found /usr/var, localstatedir is most likely wrong"
  return 1

'The Alpine packaging wiki reference'
( has this for the
!fhs option:

    !fhs | Don't enforce checks on path that follow the FHS

I guess I'm interpreting this correctly?  That they are saying that
installing to /opt isn't allowed by the FHS?  The wording is a little
clunky, something like "!fhs | allow paths to violate the FHS" or "!fhs
| skip FHS compliancy checks" would be a little clearer.

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