rbl wrote: 
> It sounds like Raspian will give me a fully functional Pi with LMS still
> working 100% which is its main purpose. 
> I am an oldie - grew up on MS-DOS (and still prefer it to Windows
> explorer much of the time) and C/C++, but I have never touched Unix. is
> Raspian going to be a big learning curve as I don't have a lot of time
> at the moment, in which case Ill go for piCorePlayer?

+1 for the PcP route. My experience i case it helps your decision
making. I was running LMS on windows and tired of having the keep my
desktop on, or, after shutting down the PC, wondering "what happened to
the music?"?

With the help of many in this community I built a PcP on a pi3B+ with a
2TB USB HDD as a LMS Server only. Hardware total about $USD100. Super
easy. Then I built another for my seasonal cabin. I am retired so they
play all the time when I am there. Rock solid. I could not be happier. I
have built 2 others for friends. 

An additional benefit - I don't do cloud and the power is not on at the
cabin when I am not there, so I had to decide how to keep my two
libraries in sync. I got another HDD that I call the "Travel HDD". I
setup FreeFileSync so that I can run it when I am getting ready to go
from one location to another, and sync when I arrive.

The bonus is in using Samba on the PCP, I can access the free space on
the HDD to backup my user files from one location to another in the same
sync. That way, not only do I have file backup at home, I also have one
at another location, and visa versa. I also can't tell you how many
times I was looking for file and realized it was on the desktop of the
other location, and smiled because I could just access it through the
backup HDD locally.

I know that in this day of clouds, and network over the internet what I
do is a bit Fred Flintstone, but it is easy once setup, and it works for

Just thought I would share my experience. Many thanks to the SB founding
fathers, PcP developers, and all of the friendly support on this forum.
ALOT of people spend ALOT of time helping others


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