Man in a van wrote: 
> Greg
> Just installed v6.1.0 on rpi3b rev a02082 connec ted via Ethernet.
> Boot up succesfull
> Completed the wi-fi page, saved and did not get a wireless IP address.
> I have sent a Pastebin: paste name: pCP-3B-25fa3e-wifi
> will now repeat the process on the same pi with v6.0.0
> ronnie


Using v6.0.0 connected via ethernet

completed wifi page, saved, no wireless ip address, rebooted.

Same result , no wifi.

Removed the card and edited the wpa_supplicant.conf sample file.

Restarted without ethernet, everthing working without a problem.

Resized the FS to 500MB

Did an insitu upgrade to v6.1.0 and this time evrything worked and the
pi came back up.

I'll try the same procedure with the other pi and hope that it works.


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